Category: Orthodontics

Information, articles and blog posts about orthodontic treatments and straightening crooked teeth by your Harrow dentist, Dr Nishan Dixit

“My front tooth is hitting my bottom lip”

Dr Nishan Dixit

Dr Nishan Dixit

Dr Nishan Dixit is the founder and principal dentist of Blue Court Dental. Patients enjoy his relaxed, friendly and gentle approach while experiencing his meticulous attention to detail. He has a special interest in providing smile makeovers, natural-looking white fillings and cosmetic braces, but also provides a range of treatments from preventative and general dental care to complex dental rehabilitation.
Dr Nishan Dixit

Latest posts by Dr Nishan Dixit (see all)


This patient from Harrow did not like her upper front teeth.  The two front teeth were slightly overlapping and one was protruding forward.  Every time she smiled, her tooth hit her lower lip.

After discussing the treatment options with Dr Dixit, the Inman Aligner was the best option for her. The two front teeth were lined up together and the protruding tooth was pushed back.

All this treatment took approximately 12-14 weeks.

The patient was very happy with the result achieved.



” I was very impressed at how fast the Inman Aligner worked. It was very comfortable to wear and very discreet.  Taking it in and out was very easy .  Dr Dixit explained the treatment to me very clearly and I was very happy with my teeth. When I smile now, my tooth does not hit my lip. “

Baby teeth in adults

Dr Nishan Dixit

Dr Nishan Dixit

Dr Nishan Dixit is the founder and principal dentist of Blue Court Dental. Patients enjoy his relaxed, friendly and gentle approach while experiencing his meticulous attention to detail. He has a special interest in providing smile makeovers, natural-looking white fillings and cosmetic braces, but also provides a range of treatments from preventative and general dental care to complex dental rehabilitation.
Dr Nishan Dixit

Latest posts by Dr Nishan Dixit (see all)

This young boy from Ireland was very unhappy about the appearence of his lower teeth. He had two retained baby teeth on the lower arch. His adult teeth never came through.

The patient was not keen about having orthodontic treatment to correct the teeth. After discussing other options with Dr Dixit,  the teeth were built up using a bonded restoration to make them look like adult teeth.